Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Entry 1: First Day of School

Did you see these floating around Pinterest?


Well, in honor of my first "diary" entry, and Tootie Bug's first day of Pre-School, I made my version. The first one was a total fail. I have no idea how to add a cute background to something in MS Word, so I decided to use one of the 1,000,000  25 sheets of scrapbook paper I have lying around. I made my selection, and went to work. But once it printed, well, see for yourself.

If at first you don't succeed, pick a different piece of scrapbook paper.

Ah, much better!

I wish I would have made the "of" in the frame a little more pronounced, but hey, hindsight is 20/20 and nobody is grading me on this, so...

There you have it folks, my first Pinterest project completed! I am aiming to do one a week so that I don't get overwhelmed..I mean, I am taking care of 12 two year olds at work, a 2 year old at home, and a 6 month old I am watching for a friend. Not like my free time is abundant here! But I love it! 

Monday, August 29, 2011

Here we go

Pinterest. No doubt you have heard of it. In case you haven't, it's like an online bulletin board. You sign up for an account (or get invited), and you create boards. On these boards you "pin" things that are floating around the website. These can be recipes, sewing projects, inspiriational quotes, crafts for children, home decoration ideas....I could go on and on. You can make several boards so that you can divide all your finds into categories. It's kind of like keeping all your bookmarks in one space.  I was warned that this website was addicting before I signed up....and the warnings were true. I have spent way too much time "pinning", and not enough time doing any of the ideas I have actually pinned.

So yesterday on my training run, it hit me. Start a blog chronicling your journey as you go through creating the ideas on all your pin boards. So, I started this, the Pinterest Diaries. You can follow me as I make my Pinterest boards come to life. I hope you have fun...I am pretty sure I will!